Get on Board - Quick Apply

Get on Board

Testing prototype

🎁 What is Get on Board? - The Product

Get on Board is a job and recruitment platform that connects companies and technology professionals in Latin America. Since its founding in 2011, it has established itself as a leading reference in the industry, providing a comprehensive solution to help companies of all sizes find highly qualified talent while offering excellent job opportunities to professionals in the technology field.

🌟 The Project - Quick Apply to Reduce Friction in the Application Process

The project aimed to address the original need to minimize friction in the application process, especially for new users. The goal was to provide an alternative application option that required fewer forms and steps, which was achieved by implementing the "Quick Apply" functionality, ensuring a fast, simple, and obstacle-free process to motivate candidates to apply.


The project had the following objectives:

  1. Generate a new agile application option, reducing friction from long forms.
  2. Ensure consistency in the experience for both applicants and companies.
  3. Improve the application experience by adding value to the overall process.

☀️ The process

First Phase: Problem, Background, and Initial Approaches

In the initial stage, we reviewed an early version of Quick Apply that had been deprioritized previously. Due to the persistent need to reduce application friction, the project was resumed with a renewed focus.

Initial mapping of objectives, scope, users, and important project considerations

To better understand the problem, we analyzed the needs of users and companies. On the one hand, users needed a less demanding way to apply, while companies preferred complete applications. Based on these two extremes, we determined the minimum amount of information required for an application. Initially, we concluded that the essential fields were email, applicant name, CV, and, optionally, the applicant's GitHub/LinkedIn profiles.

First version of Quick Apply form
Initial Prototype →

How Quick Apply works and its integration with the company's experience.

From a technical perspective, the implementation of Quick Apply relied on sending a magic link to the applicant's email to initiate the login process on the platform. Once inside, users can add more information to their application. For existing users, the fields are auto-filled, further simplifying the process. From the applicant's experience perspective, Quick Apply involved several linear touchpoints:

  1. The initial application form.
  2. The email sent to the user with the Magic Link.
  3. Forms for the applicant to complete additional information within Get on Board.

Quick apply user flow
"Incomplete application" screen, the first version we came up with to encourage the user to fill in more information.

However, the challenge arose in integrating Quick Apply applicants with the company's experience. This involved distinguishing Quick Apply applicants through an icon in the funnel/kanban and allowing companies to enable or disable Quick Apply for each job, providing flexibility in their selection process.

Switches where you can turn on Quick Apply in a job + card of a quick application.

Development and Improvements Based on Prototypes and Testing

During the prototype and testing phase, adjustments and improvements were made based on insights gained. Some of the implemented improvements included making the application button more visible and dividing the required fields for applicants into two categories: essential and optional. Essential fields were limited to email, name, and resume, with the addition of a salary field if necessary. Optional fields, such as GitHub, LinkedIn profiles, or portfolios, could be added later to complete the application in a more detailed and personalized manner.

Left: form when clicking on the Quick Apply button. Right: form when the user is already logged in to get on board.
Improvement of the button to make it more prominent.
Testing Prototype →

Final Version and Evolution of the Quick Apply Project

After iterating through multiple prototypes and conducting extensive testing, the final prototype incorporating all the improvements and adjustments made throughout the process was considered ready for implementation. Once live, Quick Apply evolved through continuous improvements, functionality enhancements, and new visual improvements, providing an even more satisfying application experience.

Initial quick apply form. Left: when pressing the button. Right: after clicking on the magic link.
In addition, for new users there is a pop up to fill in additional information.

🧠 Key Learnings

Throughout the project, valuable learnings were acquired that contributed to knowledge and skills in designing and developing more efficient application experiences. The importance of simplicity in the application process was highlighted, understanding that reducing friction and eliminating unnecessary obstacles is essential to motivate candidates to apply. Additionally, the need to adapt to the preferences and needs of existing users was recognized by providing flexible options that align with their expectations. Constant iteration and testing played a crucial role in obtaining valuable insights that guided continuous improvements and enabled the delivery of a more efficient and satisfying application experience for both applicants and companies.